More Pizza Than Three People Should Eat

Ever wonder how to ride your bicycle 65 miles in a day and still feel guilty? Here it is folks: enough Pepe’s brick oven pizza to fill a six foot table. A small white clam, a small mozzarella, and a large chicken and garlic. Preceeded by two house salads. Yes, it took the assistance of two other guys, including my brother who rode with me, but we were proud of this digestive feat. For the record, our waitress recommended one medium for the three of us. I still prefer my own pizza, but this was easily the best restaurant pie I can remember.

Isaac Completes Holiday Hill

Oh, you came to hear about cycling? Ok, here’s the ride: 65 miles round trip from Hartford to the New Haven suburbs. Aside for a few miles of city traffic and one notable hill, this was mostly a flat trip through moderately settled neighborhoods. At the farthest excursion after a 30 mile warm up, was about a mile of climbing with the inaccurately auspicious moniker Holiday Hill. While far from the toughest climb we’ve ever encountered, this hill has sections as steep as you please. Consider that even riding my brakes (which need some service) most of the way down I still exceeded the 25mph speed limit by 18.6mph!

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