Day Four: Provincetown

May 18th, 2009

With a daily odometer at the bell of 70.5, including a masochistic evening trip to the grocery store, and the overall trip odometer at 187, we have come to rest in the densely developed town of Providence, MA. Today was a thorough test with windy 50 degree conditions and intermittant rain that started with a three mile effort in the wrong direction. Despite rolling out of our campsite at 7:30am in an attept to flee the raining worms, we didn’t see the Provincetown line until about 3:00pm. We were greeted by cool, but clear skies and are looking forward to fairer conditions tomorrow.

The ride today along parts of rural route 6A through cape towns and 22 miles of the dead flat Cape Cod Rail Trail was the best of Cape Cod charm. We missed some of the beach trails in favor of the shortest route. I hope the sun stays to allow us to enjoy them on the return trip.

Conversely, prodigal tourism development in shorefront just south of Provincetown is depressing and service in that area is downright unfriendly. We covered ten miles where every convienience store refused public access to the restroom and every foot of shoreline was strip motels and cottages for rent. At present, it is a whistling tumbleweed ghost town, waiting ominously for the influx of summer visitors. Happily, Provincetown center is a much more authentic experience. We were happy to find a double width bike rack at the local Shop ‘n Stop that was packed with other cycles. :) I look forward to exporing more and resting tired bodies over the next couple days.

One Response to “Day Four: Provincetown”

  1. Lynda says:

    Great job guys! Enjoy Provincetown! Take pictures, I have never been. :-) Sierra says hi. :-p

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